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Make Going Green Easy With Home EV Charger

   If you’ve made the switch to an electric vehicle, you’ll know the benefits. My service is designed to make your eco-conscious choice even more convenient, helping you to make the transition to a more responsible way of living.


EV Charger installation equips your home with the facilities to make your choice a sustainable one, fitted conveniently to allow you easy access.


I focus on bringing ease to your utility and my service is aimed at giving homeowners freedom and flexibility when it comes to using their vehicle.


Being a proud approved installer of SIMPSON & PARTNERS that can give you the choice of styles to suit your property.







I begin with a consultation, assessing your property's electrical feed and determining the most suitable location for the charger. I obtain any necessary permits, preparing the electrical wiring to accommodate the charger, ensuring compliance with local regulations and safety standards. Mounted securely in place, typically on an exterior wall or a dedicated charging pedestal, the charger is connected to the property's electrical panel and configured for optimal performance. 


I communicate with you throughout the process, ensuring you’re satisfied with the solution. I align with you, responding to your query with difference, dynamic interaction and diligence.

Electric Car Charger

How Can An At-Home EV Charger Installation Help You?

- Cost-Effectiveness: Utilising a private access point proves more economical than relying on public stations, given the typically lower electricity costs compared to gasoline.

- Convenience: Ownership streamlines your charging routine, saving time otherwise spent searching for and waiting at public stations.

- Efficiency: Residential chargers generally have faster charging speeds than their public counterparts, ensuring rapid recharges.

- Enhanced Reputation: Spaces offering EV charging facilities demonstrate environmental responsibility, showing an eco-conscious mode of living.

- Eco-Friendliness: EV chargers significantly diminish your carbon footprint, contributing to a cleaner, more sustainable environment through reduced emissions.

Book EV Charger Installation in Horsham

Contact me today to schedule an initial survey to get your property fitted with all the gear to suit those sustainable ideas.

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